Healthcare Professionals and DUI
Healthcare professionals includes doctors, nurses, medical technicians, pharmacists, psychiatrists, you name it. These individuals, after completing years of secondary and post-secondary education, are entrusted to care for and provide medical advice to any person in need.
Indeed, healthcare professionals are held to one of the highest standards of conduct. When a doctor or nurse, for example, violates those standards, such misconduct can have drastic effects on his or her career.
One of the most common social past time amongst professionals is sharing an alcoholic beverage. When done responsibly, of course it can be a great time, but many professionals, unfortunately, turn to alcohol to relieve stress or become addicted. When those professionals drink and drive, the consequences can result in career devastation.
Attorney for DUI and Healthcare Professionals in West Palm Beach, FL
If you or someone you know is a doctor or a nurse in West Palm Beach, Florida, and is under investigation for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, then contact the experienced DUI attorneys at Meltzer & Bell, P.A..
Our office will fight to get you the relief you need when facing professional license suspension. We take cases throughout the Greater Miami Metropolitan Area in places like Palm Beach County, Miami-Dade County, and Broward County, FL.
Call (561) 557-8686 to schedule a one-on-one consultation to learn more about what the attorneys at Meltzer & Bell, P.A. can do for you.
Information Center for Healthcare Professionals who DUI
- Consequences for Healthcare Professionals?
- How Are Healthcare Professionals Disciplined?
- Types of Fines Imposed?
Collateral Consequences of DUI
Since the consequences of a driving under the influence charge are largely determined by the number of DUI charges an individual has received in the past, it follows that the number of DUI charges can affect the types of collateral consequences an individual may face as well.
Some of the factors that licensing boards consider when deciding whether to suspend a healthcare professional’s license include the following:
- The number of DUI offenses – a review board will likely look at whether the DUI was a single isolated occurrence or if there is a larger concern of alcohol abuse;
- Whether the alleged offender has an addition – similar to the number of offenses, if an offender shows signs of addiction, it may be a determining factor in whether his or hers license will be suspended;
- Whether the individual is safe to practice – the number of charges, along with the individual’s past and present behavior will all be determining factors for licensure;
- Whether the individual requires monitoring –the board may also look at whether the alleged offender should be subject to some monitoring based on his or her drug behavior.
Disciplinary Action Against a Medical Practitioner
The Florida Legislature grants the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation the overall authority to regulate healthcare professionals.
The Florida Board of Medicine is a department within the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. The Board is authorized to impose multiple sanctions including revoking, suspending, fines, or denying the renewal of a medical license.
The Florida Statutes § 458.331(l)(s) states, in part, the following: “Being unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of illness or use of alcohol, drugs, narcotics, chemicals, or any other type of material or as a result of any mental or physical condition.”
In addition to being reviewed by the Board, other members of the Florida Board of Medicine are required to report to the Department any behavior by other medical practitioners that indicate impairment due to the use of alcohol or other drugs.
Types of Fines Healthcare Professionals Face
Upon a finding of guilty, the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation will impose significant fines and sanctions. Such fines may include any or all of the following:
- Random drug and alcohol screening;
- Probation;
- Job loss;
- Mandatory DUI School;
- License Revocation in Florida or other states; or
- Fines of up to $10,000.
Find an Attorney for Healthcare Professionals and DUI in Palm Beach County, FL
If you or someone you know has been charged with driving under the influence or any other driving offenses in Florida, and who is also a healthcare professional, contact one of our experienced DUI attorneys.
At Meltzer & Bell, P.A. we litigate all kinds of Florida traffic offenses, including driving under the influence of marijuana, alcohol, or other controlled substances. We take cases in the Greater Miami Metropolitan Area in places like Palm Beach County, Broward County, and Miami-Dade County, FL.
Call (561) 557-8686 now for more information about the services we provide to healthcare professionals.